Be sure to stop by booth 4118 to register for your chance to win a free BASpi. If you're like us and love a new toy, then the BASpi is going to be your favorite part of AHR. It's control without restrictions.
The BASpi I/O board is a 12-point BAS expansion board for Raspberry Pi. The I/O board, plus the firmware files provided by Contemporary Controls turn your Raspberry Pi into a BACnet-networked, Sedona-programmable controller with 6 Universal Inputs and 6 Relay Outputs. All 12 physical I/O points, in addition to 24 Virtual Points are served up over BACnet/IP using Ethernet or Wi-Fi. BASpi is web page configurable over Ethernet or Wi-Fi connections. The Sedona Application Editor is offered as a free download. This programming tool is used to create control applications by linking graphical components on a wiresheet. The BASpi I/O board is available stand-alone, as well as a complete system — the BASpi-SYS, which is packaged with RaspberryPi 3 board + BASpi I/O board for immediate control right out of the box.
The BASpi is part of our grander vision of being a champion for open control. We'll have our full suite of BAScontrollers at AHR and we'll be showcasing the free BAScontrol Toolset and free pre-built applications that support the BAScontrol series. The free software and programming expertise we provide greatly reduces the amount of time an SI needs to spend with set-up and testing.
For our BACnet router fans, be sure to check out the advanced features that come with BASrouter Series Version 3.0. We have enhanced the BASrouter features to provide built-in BACnet diagnostic capabilities with visual analytics MS/TP status table, routing status table, network errors count, and traffic statistics. This allows the integrator to easily install robust BACnet networks, or speed up troubleshooting drastically when necessary.
Contemporary Controls has three speaking engagements at AHR Expo 2018. Be sure to attend to hear the latest industry insights and product news.
Addressing IP Security Concerns When Deploying a BACnet System
Presented by Harpartap Parmar, Senior Product Manager
Monday, January 22, 9:30 – 10:30 AM, Room S103BD
The BACnet standard addresses the security concerns when implementing a new system. But how to secure legacy systems and enhance security for the new systems? The additional use of TLS and VPN technology which is prevelant in the IT field can help in this regard.
BACnet/IP Integration and Open Control with the BASintegrator
Presented by Zach Netsov, Product Specialist
Tuesday, January 23, 1:15 – 1:35 PM Theater B
The new BASintegrator provides BACnet MS/TP and Modbus to BACnet integration, as well as license-free Sedona open control and BACnet head-end capabilities such as alarming, trending, scheduling and graphics. Ideal as a small facility head-end, it can also function as a secure IoT gateway to cloud storage.
How Will We Create Value From Our New Found Edge Data and Bring It Back to the Hive to Discover New Ways of Providing Comfort, Health, and Satisfaction in Our Buildings?
Tuesday, January 23, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM S103A
At this sixth annual Connection Community Collaboratory, industry thought leaders will provide their views on productivity, occupant engagement and comfort. If we only consider energy as the justification, then we are missing the bigger issue – the impact on the building environment and ultimately people. The seminar is being hosted by George Thomas, president of Contemporary Controls, will be participating.
BASrouter Series Version 3.0 Enhanced Diagnostics
BASintegrator: Simple to Use Plug and Play Head-End for Small Facilities
NEW! EIGR Series of Skorpion Gigabit IP Routers
Turn Your Raspberry Pi Into a BACnet-Networked, Sedona-Programmable Controller
BACnet Sedona Unitary Controllers for Truly Open Control