Check out our new video series, Mastery in Minues, which provides short tutorials on hot topics related to our most popular products.
How to Install and Use the N4 Sedona Driver in Niagara 4
This video explains how to install N4 Sedona driver and program a Sedona wiresheet on Workbench. With the N4 Sedona Driver installed on N4 Workstation or N4 JACE, Niagara 4 can be used to communicate via Sedona (SOX) to Sedona devices to read/write their points. It can also be used to program the wiresheet on Sedona devices.
Email Configuration: Setting up an SMTP Email Server for Gmail
This video explains how to establish an account using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server used by Gmail to send email alerts.
BASview3 Introduction
This video provides an overview of the BASview3, a stand-alone, embedded, web-based graphical interface for building automation and process automation systems. (2:00)
Introduction to the BASrouterSX
Introduction to the high-performance BACnet router with GSA-compliant models available. (2:13)
Introduction to the BASgatewaySX
Introduction to the BASgatewaySX, a Modbus to BACnet gateway with SSL. (2:47)
BAScontrol Series – Installing and Modifying Pre-built Sedona Applications
This video explains how to use the free BAScontrol Toolset to install and modify a pre-built app on an emulated controller. (10:51)
Introduction to Ethernet
Explains the fundamentals of Ethernet so viewers can better understand the applicability of using Ethernet at various levels of the control hierarchy. (10:19)
Thermostat Control System
This video explains how to set-up a wired thermostat control system with BACnet supervision using our BASstat Communicating Thermostat and our BASview Supervisor.
About Contemporary Controls
Learn more about our ability to design and manufacture the system building blocks for networking, integrating and controlling automation processes where performance and reliability are important.