Introduction to the BAScontrol20 3.1
With its resident Sedona Virtual Machine, this 20-point controller is freely programmable with Niagara Workbench or a similar tool. (5:06) This Video is also available in Spanish.
Introduction to the BAScontrol22
With its resident Sedona Virtual Machine, this 22-point controller is freely programmable with Niagara Workbench or a similar tool. (6:06)
Introduction to the BAScontrol22D
A 22-point unitary controller which supports BACnet client/server operation over BACnet/IP.
Introduction to the BAScontrol22S
A 22-point unitary controller which supports BACnet client/server operation over BACnet/IP or BACnet MS/TP.
BAScontrol Series – Saving and Restoring Sedona Programs
Shows how to use Niagara Workbench or a similar tool to create, save and restore a simple Sedona program running on a BAScontroller. (5:22)
BAScontrol Series – Communicating with a BACnet Client
This video instructs users on how their BAScontrol Series controllers communicate with a BACnet Client. (10:29)
BAScontrol Series – Virtual and Web Components
This video instructs users on how to use the Virtual and Web components from the BAScontrol20 and BAScontrol22. (12:01)
BAScontrol Series – Installing and Modifying Pre-built Sedona Applications
This video explains how to use the free BAScontrol Toolset to install and modify a pre-built app on an emulated controller. (10:51)
BAScontrol Toolset Quick Start Guide
This video provides an overview of how to get started with the BAScontrol Toolset, as well as the operation of each tool in the toolset. After watching this video, you will know how to emulate Sedona platforms on your PC, how to open a Sedona SOX connection to real or emulated devices using SAE, and how to backup and restore your project to a file by using BASbackup. This video is a great starting point for anyone using the BAScontrol Toolset. (5:15)
Introduction to the BASgatewaySX
Introduction to the BASgatewaySX, a Modbus to BACnet gateway with SSL. (2:47)
BASgatewayLX Configuration
Configure the BASgatewayLX using a standard web browser. (11:24)
BASgatewayLX Functional Enhancements
Understanding the functional enhancements provided with firmware 2.0.19. (7:30)
Modbus Project Builder
Modbus Project Builder software tutorial for the BASgatewayLX. (8:09)
BASpi-Edge Introduction
This video introduces the BASpi-Edge, which is a hardened cloud connected BACnet controller with enhanced features and data processing at the Edge functionality, powered by Raspberry Pi. This video is also available in Spanish. (2:37)
BASpi-Edge Login and Web Access
The BASpi-Edge is fully web page configurable over Ethernet or WiFi. This video shows users the initial login and web page access. (1:35)
BASpi-Edge System Configuration
This video shows the BASpi-Edge System Configuration page for editing user, network interfaces, and BACnet settings. (5:02)
BASpi-Edge Reset of IP Address and Login Credentials
If you are unable to login to the BASpi-Edge due to unknown IP address or login credentials, this video will show you how to reset them. (2:09)
BASpi-Edge Installing the BAScontrol Toolset
This video provides a step-by-step instruction on how to obtain and install the BAScontrol Toolset software tools necessary for programming, archiving, and emulation of BASpi controllers. (1:44)
BASpi-Edge Sedona Application Editor Overview
This video is an overview of the Sedona Application Editor (SAE) programming tool for BASpi-Edge controllers and other Sedona platforms. (7:33)
BASpi Series – Control Without Restrictions
The BASpi I/O boards are 12-point BAS expansion boards (HATs) for Raspberry Pi. (1:59)
BASrouter Introduction
Route messages between BACnet networks such as BACnet/IP, BACnet Ethernet, and BACnet MS/TP. (2:11)
BASrouter Configuration
Configure the BASrouter using a standard web browser. (4:47)
BASrouter Installation
Learn how to install the BASrouter. (3:49)
Introduction to the BASrouterSX
Introduction to the high-performance BACnet router with GSA-compliant models available. (2:13)
BASstat Thermostat Series
Introduction to BASstat BACnet-compliant wired or wireless communicating thermostats, which ensure effortless integration into BACnet/IP (Wi-Fi) or BACnet MS/TP (EIA-485) networks.
BAST-121 Single Mode Thermostats
Introduction to the BAST-221 thermostats, which are suited for single or multi-stage heating, cooling and ventilation binary output control applications such as RTUs or AHUs.
BAST-221 Multi-Stage Heating/Cooling Thermostats
Introduction to the BAST-121 thermostats, which are suited for single or multi-stage heating only or cooling only binary or analog output control applications, such as unitary heating or cooling units.
BAST-321 Heat Pump Thermostats
Introduction to the BAST-321 thermostats, which are suited for heating, cooling, and ventilation with binary output control for single and multi-stage heat pumps with or without 3rd stage auxiliary heat..
BAST-421 Modulating Thermostats
Introduction to the BAST-421 thermostats, which are suited for modulated heating, cooling, and ventilation with analog output control in 4-pipe applications such as fan coil units (FCU) or air handlers
Thermostat Control System with BACnet Supervision
This video explains how to set-up a wired thermostat control system with BACnet supervision using our BASstat Communicating Thermostat and our BASview Supervisor.
BASview3 Introduction
The BASview is simple to install and use. A 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connection is all that is needed. Client features include animated graphic screens, scheduling, historical trending, runtime accumulation, alarm monitoring, and email notifications.
Installing Sedona Kits
Demonstrates a simple method for installing Sedona Framework™ and component kits using Workbench 3.7 or 3.8. (3:28)
Using Sedona with the BASremote – Monitoring a Refrigeration Unit: Part 1
Demonstrates how to define the application requirement, configure the BASremote I/O channels and prepare the email. (9:37)
Using Sedona with the BASremote – Monitoring a Refrigeration Unit: Part 2
Wire sheet development using BACnet object instance numbers, custom I/O components and email component. (10:43)
Using Sedona with the BASremote – Monitoring a Refrigeration Unit: Part 3
Using BDT to monitor the values of the BASremote via BACnet/IP communication protocol. (4:36)
Modbus 2 BACnet Device Profiles – Introduction
Step-by-step instructions for using Modbus 2 BACnet Device Profiles. (5:27)
Introduction to the iSMA Configurator Software
This video provides a quick introduction to the iSMA Configurator Software, which allows users to perform configuration, firmware updates and diagnostics on the configurable I/O modules. (5:04)