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AHR Expo 2013 Success

VideoFebruary 2013 - As usual, the AHR Expo provided Contemporary Controls with plenty of opportunities to meet new customers and catch up with existing customers. This year's Dallas expo had more than 51,000 attendees with exhibits from 1,953 companies.

"The show remains one of the most effective means for us to meet our customers," said Joe Stasiek, Sales Manager of Contemporary Controls. "It allows us to showcase our commitment to open protocols such as Modbus and BACnet, open technologies such as Sedona Framework and Niagara Framework, and IP networks."

At the AHR Expo, we presented our newest BASautomation products, including the BASrouterLX High-Performance Router which has MS/TP Troubleshooting Capability. The BASrouterLX is a high-performance BACnet router providing stand-alone routing between BACnet/IP, BACnet Ethernet, and BACnet MS/TP. Besides its high-speed processor, it supports slave proxy with optional auto-discovery of MS/TP slaves, MS/TP frame capture and storage for use with Wireshark®. It supports foreign device registration and is a BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device where up to 50 BBMD entries can be made to its Broadcast Distribution Table.

We also demonstrated how to connect Modbus Networks to BACnet/IP with the BASgatewayLX. The BASgatewayLX connects BACnet/IP Ethernet to non-BACnet compliant networks such as Modbus Serial or Modbus TCP. Using the concept of virtual routing, up to 30 Modbus devices appear as individual BACnet devices. Using web pages and a resident database of common Modbus device profiles, Modbus registers can be mapped to BACnet objects. Contemporary Controls provides a library of Modbus device profiles on the BASgateway. Additional custom profiles can be uploaded.

For those of you who stopped by our booth, thank you for visiting with us. It's always a pleasure to see our customers.


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