May 2015 - A sophisticated graphical head-end can be found in the BASsupervisorDG5. Powered by DGLogik, the BASsupervisorDG5 has a HTML5 user interface with impressive graphics along with trending, alarming and scheduling. It is BACnet/IP compliant with two resident opto-isolated serial ports that can integrate to Modbus RTU as shown connected to a Cube I/O. Using a standalone BASrouter, a connection is made to a BACnet MS/TP Cube I/O.
A five-port Gigabit Ethernet switch facilitates IP connections. In addition to wired connections, the BASsupervisorDG5 has two wireless ports - Wi-Fi and EnOcean. The BASsupervisorDG5 is ideal where a comprehensive head-end is required along with wired and wireless connectivity options.
For small to medium-sized systems, the BASsupervisorDG5 can function as a stand-alone building controller. Flexibility is achieved through the two opto-isolated serial ports which can be individually configured for either Modbus RTU or BACnet MS/TP. Depending on serial port loading, it is possible to eliminate the BACnet router. With a built-in EnOcean Wi-Fi connectivity, flexibility extends beyond just a wired connection.