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Video: Introduction to the BASview3 Graphical Interface

An introductory video is available for our BASview3 web-based graphical interface. This stand-alone device can be accessed from any web browser to provide supervisory functionality to a BACnet/IP or Modbus TCP system. By using Contemporary Controls' BASrouter or BASgateway products, additional protocols, such as BACnet MS/TP and Modbus RTU, are supported.

The BASview3 is ideal for small-to-medium building automation and process automation systems that require a user-friendly graphical interface with no licensing requirements. The BASview3 can manage up to 2000 nodes, consisting of a combination of devices, points, schedules, alarms, and trends.

With the BASview3, current and historical values can be displayed on a user-defined screen as graphics or dashboards. Supervisory features include animated graphic screens, scheduling, historical trending, runtime accumulation, and email alarms. BASview3 will automatically toggle outputs and change setpoints on schedule, collect runtime and trend data, and monitor alarm conditions.

BASview3 Graphics

Graphics allow you to create a set of custom webpages that contain animated views of the system along with real-time point values. You can also change the operation of the building in a graphical view.

Graphics are fixed in size and can be uploaded as an animation (animated GIF), a button icon, an image (JPG, GIF, or PNG), or a label. Animated icons can be standalone animated GIFs that animate when a point in the system is true, false, or at a specific level. They can be used with an image to animate part of the image. For example, you can upload an image of a floor plan, mechanical equipment, zone layout, and then position animated graphical elements, such as gauges, buttons, labels, charts, on top of the image. This gives users insight to zone temperature, zone set point, and gives some control, such as adjusting a setpoint or changing occupancy state.

BASview3 Dashboard

When configuring the dashboard, you cannot upload images or freely position graphical elements, instead graphical gadgets are placed in containers and positioned on the screen in the desired order. This makes dashboards scalable across devices, such as tablets, smart phones, and PCs and is ideal for monitoring and/or controlling equipment over the BACnet network. The BASview3 includes a library of built-in graphical gadgets, such as animated elements, buttons, bar charts, pie charts, strip charts, gauges, images, schedules, switches, and trends.

By supporting both traditional graphics and the dashboard, BASview3 can clearly display system information and simplify equipment monitoring and control. Graphics can be purchased online from vendors, such as ControlPix.

For an overview of the BASview3's graphical capability, check out the BASview Introduction video. To learn more, visit the BASview product page.


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