ISH 2025 Hall 11.1, Stand B71

ISH 2025

BASview3 – Web-based Graphical Interface for Buildings

BASview3 is a stand-alone, embedded, web-based graphical interface for building automation and process automation systems. It can be accessed from any web browser providing client functionality to any BACnet/IP or Modbus TCP system. By using BASrouter or BASgateway products, additional protocols such as BACnet MS/TP and Modbus RTU can be integrated. Supervisory features include animated graphic screens, scheduling, historical trending, runtime accumulation and email alarms/notifications. The BASview3 is totally self-contained, requiring no external PC or application for its use. Multiple web browser users can access the device simultaneously. It is ideal for medium-sized buildings or processes that require an easy and intuitive to use graphical interface with no licensing requirements.

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