2021 Virtual Open House


Friday, January 29, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (CT)

Introduction to EnOcean
11:00 - 11:30
Speaker: Bennet Levine
EnOcean is an energy harvesting wireless technology used primarily in building automation systems. Learn more about EnOcean and its applications.

Preview of the EnOcean to BACnet Gateway
11:30 - noon
Speaker: Bennet Levine
Enjoy a sneak preview of our BASgatewayEO, which is an EnOcean to BACnet gateway that makes it easy to integrate EnOcean devices into BACnet networks. The gateway allows users to discover and select EnOcean devices on their network.

Understanding the Available Resources
12:00 - 12:30 p.m.
Speaker: Kathleen Thomas
Introduction to the resources available on the website, the learning center, the video library and the software download page. An introduction to the Industrial Ethernet University will also be included.

Q&A With Our Engineers
Noon - 1:00
Have a question about one of our products, or about BACnet or Ethernet? Join this informal session to chat with our experts and get answers.

New Product Preview
12:30 - 1:00 p.m.
Speaker: Harpartap Parmar
We have several new products planned for release in 2021, including a wireless BACnet/IP Heat Pump Thermostat. Get a preview of the new products.

Meet and Greet with George Thomas
1:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Discuss the latest developments in the industry with George Thomas, President of Contemporary Controls.

Micro PC Uses and Applications
1:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Meet with moderator Zach Netsov and other micro PC enthusiasts to discuss the Micro PC market, current applications and exciting developments. We want to hear how you're using micro PCs in the field and what you want to see from the DIY market going forward.

Remote Access Options
2:00 - 2:30
Speaker: Harpartap Parmar
Accessing machines at remote sites over the Internet can be a challenge because firewalls block messages that originate from the Internet. A virtual private network (VPN) makes secure remote communication over the Internet possible. In this session, we'll discuss your remote VPN options and answer questions about remote access.

BASview3 Live Demo
2:30 - 3:00
Speaker: Zach Netsov
The BASview3 is a stand-alone, embedded, web-based graphical interface for building automation and process automation systems. Get a live demo from Zach about how to use the BASview's supervisory features that include scheduling, trending, runtime accumulation and email alarms.

Engineer Open Chat
2:00 - 3:00
Chat with our engineers and other customers about experiences in the field and the current state of the industry. This is an open, informal session available in both English and Spanish.