Control Network Newsletter

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Open Control - Sedona Framework and the Sedona Alliance

Sedona Alliance LogoFebruary 2017 - Contemporary Controls participated in the AHR Expo 2017 educational session "Sedona Framework - Best Opportunity for Open Control". The session provided a quick introduction to the Sedona language; an overview of the free programming tool (SAE); real-world experiences from a systems integrator implementing common HVAC applications; and plans for the Sedona Alliance. We were pleased with the outcome of the session and a lot of people who attended were enthusiastic about Sedona and open control. If you missed the session, you can view the presentations online:

We continue to move forward with our plans for the Sedona Alliance. You can learn more by visiting Our goal is to have the Sedona Alliance represent the interests of a community of developers and system integrators promoting the use of the Sedona Framework™ as an open control programming language. Originally developed by Tridium, Inc., Sedona Framework is a software environment designed to make it easy to build smart, networked, embedded devices which are well suited for implementing control applications. Development of the technology is now being assumed by a Sedona community interested in keeping this open-source technology open for all to use.

The intention is for the Sedona Alliance to become a not-for-profit (501c) trade association created to promote Sedona Framework as an open control language available for use by the public without restriction. The Alliance represents the interests of a Sedona community consisting of developers who make Sedona products and integrators that create Sedona applications.

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