White Paper: Creating an Open Controller with Sedona Framework
The Sedona Framework trademark is owned by Tridium, Inc. but can be used by acknowledging the owner. More importantly, the Sedona Framework technology is available to the public under an Academic Free License granted by the licensor—Tridium, Inc. A licensee is allowed the worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive use of the technology. For those who want to be part of the Sedona Community, software and documentation is available for download from sedonadev.org. Contemporary Controls is a community member and views this technology as the best hope in creating a truly open controller.
Presentation: Built on the Sedona Framework™ – Using Sedona to Create an Open Controller
A presentation based on articles and white papers published by Contemporary Controls. Learn about Contemporary Controls' vision for an open controller and the creation of a Sedona community.
Presentation: Understanding Sedona 1.2 Components
With Sedona release 1.2.28, Tridium added, modified and reorganized their components and kits. Contemporary Controls re-distributes these Tridium kits without modification and therefore they can be used on all Contemporary Controls' Sedona products. Custom components and kits are not addressed in this presentation.
Application Note: Sedona 1.2 Component Descriptions
Developed by Tridium Inc., Sedona Framework™ is a
software environment designed to make it easy to build
smart, networked, embedded devices which are well
suited for implementing control applications. The system
integrator's role is to create an application by assembling
components onto a wire sheet using graphical
programming tools such as Niagara Workbench or a
third-party Sedona Tool. Applications are then executed
by a Sedona Virtual Machine (SVM) resident in
Contemporary Controls' BASremote or BAScontrol family
of controllers.
Application Note: Sedona 1.2 Components from Tridium's Kits
This application note assists in the understanding of the Sedona components provided in Tridium's Sedona-1.2.28
release. Some of the Sedona components were changed or added since the previous release. New with the 1.2
release is that the Sedona components, previously concentrated in one Control kit, are now organized in smaller
kits under a functional name.
Essentials Article: Introduction to Tridium's Sedona Framework
For those who understand Tridium's Niagara Framework,
understanding Sedona Framework would be trivial.
However, the market for Sedona Framework goes beyond
the traditional HVAC market that Niagara Framework
serves. Sedona Framework is intended to provide a
complete development environment for devices with limited
resources. The Java environment of Niagara Framework
requires resources well beyond the capability of small
devices but much of the Niagara concepts have been
transferred down to Sedona Framework thereby
allowing small devices to execute sophisticated control.
While the BAS Remote is not a limited resource device,
Sedona Framework executes nicely on this platform.